What happens when you combine the most trusted multisig wallet in Web3 with the low-cost and blazing fast speeds of #PolygonPoS

08 Aug 2022, 09:10
What happens when you combine the most trusted multisig wallet in Web3 with the low-cost and blazing fast speeds of #PolygonPoS Bridge? Stay tuned πŸ‘€ #GnosisSafe

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PolygonMATIC #14
08 Aug 2022, 09:10
What happens when you combine the most trusted multisig wallet in Web3 with the low-cost and blazing fast speeds of #PolygonPoS Bridge? Stay tuned πŸ‘€ #GnosisSafe
What happens when you combine the most trusted multisig wallet in Web3 with the low-cost and blazing fast speeds of #PolygonPoS
What happens when you combine the most trusted multisig wallet in Web3 with the low-cost and blazing fast speeds of #PolygonPoS Bridge? Stay tuned πŸ‘€ #GnosisSafe