What happens when a transaction is submitted on Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta. At a high level:.

11 May 2023, 19:42
What happens when a transaction is submitted on Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta? At a high level: 1⃣ A transaction is sequenced into a batch w/ other transactions; 2⃣ Data of the batch is broadcast to L2 nodes 3⃣ Data of the batch is made available to Ethereum; and then

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PolygonMATIC #14
11 May 2023, 19:42
1. Trusted state 2. Virtual state 3. Consolidated state Stage three corresponds to the SNARK proof generated by the zkProver that is posted to Ethereum. It’s not magic. It’s Polygon zkEVM
Trusted state. Virtual state. Consolidated state.
1. Trusted state 2. Virtual state 3. Consolidated state Stage three corresponds to the SNARK proof generated by the zkProver that is posted to Ethereum. It’s not magic. It’s Polygon zkEVM
PolygonMATIC #14
11 May 2023, 19:42
Finality on Polygon zkEVM depends on what the user wants. Finality occurs in three stages—this design prioritizes making the state of the rollup more easily re-creatable Steps 2, 3, and 4 above each correspond to different stages of finality
Finality on Polygon zkEVM depends on what the user wants.
Finality on Polygon zkEVM depends on what the user wants. Finality occurs in three stages—this design prioritizes making the state of the rollup more easily re-creatable Steps 2, 3, and 4 above each correspond to different stages of finality