REMINDER: The $POL Upgrade is now live on #Ethereum ️. You can find the $POL contract at the following ENS: pol-token.

07 Nov 2023, 11:34
REMINDER: The $POL Upgrade is now live on #Ethereum ⚡️ You can find the $POL contract at the following ENS: pol-token.eth Contract Address: 0x455e53CBB86018Ac2B8092FdCd39d8444aFFC3F6 Also find the migrator contract at the following ENS: migrator.pol-token.eth Contract Address: 0x29e7DF7b6A1B2b07b731457f499E1696c60E2C4e A notable list of DEXs have already integrated with the $POL contract internally, there you'll be able to utilize 1:1 swaps from $MATIC to $POL respectively: 🔸 🔸 🔸 Steps to migrate: 👇🏻 1) Visit any of the above DEXs 2) Make sure you're on the #Ethereum mainnet 3) Make sure your wallet has some $ETH to cover gas fees 4) Select $MATIC to $POL (or vice versa) 5) Sign the transaction & complete the swap 📝 FAQ 1️⃣ Is there anything I need to do today as a Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM user or MATIC holder? Nothing. This upgrade does not change active systems on either the Polygon PoS or Polygon zkEVM networks at this time. All existing contracts will function as previously designed. If you would like to join the governance process and give your input, you can join the discussion on the forum. 2️⃣ Is there anything I need to do today as a node operator or staker? Nothing. You can provide feedback on the proposed changes in the PIPs and monitor Github and the forum for new node software versions to remain compatible with your given chain when PIPs are approved by the community. 3️⃣ Is there anything I need to do today as an application or tooling developer? Nothing. Please review the relevant PIPs, provide feedback on the proposed changes and analyze if any changes break your smart contracts. Developers for applications on the Polygon PoS should not see any breaking changes. 4️⃣ Is there anything I need to do if my $MATIC tokens are either on the Polygon PoS chain, or on any major CEX (ie: Binance, Coinbase, Kucoin, ByBit etc..)? Nothing. The process will be seamlessly automated and won't need any additional input from holders.