Leading global investment firm @Hamilton_Lane is tokenizing its $2.

31 Jan 2023, 17:40
Leading global investment firm @Hamilton_Lane is tokenizing its $2.1b flagship fund by leveraging @Securitize’s platform exclusively #onPolygon 👏 Tokenization opens opportunities to a new class of investors by digitizing assets on the blockchain.

Same news in other sources

PolygonMATIC #14
31 Jan 2023, 17:45
RT @Fwiz: Another historic day for @0xPolygon! @Hamilton_Lane tokenizing their $2.1b fund thru @securitize all on Polygon Tokenization is…
RT @Fwiz: Another historic day for @0xPolygon. @Hamilton_Lane tokenizing their $2. 1b fund thru @securitize all on Polygon.
RT @Fwiz: Another historic day for @0xPolygon! @Hamilton_Lane tokenizing their $2.1b fund thru @securitize all on Polygon Tokenization is…