Hey everyone. As officially communicated by Ankr on Twitter, they are working hard to restore service.

01 Jul 2022, 13:36
Hey everyone! As officially communicated by Ankr on Twitter, they are working hard to restore service. Meanwhile, you can continue using our services by editing the RPC endpoint in your wallet configuration to Or an alternative from the below: We apologize for any inconvenience this service disruption may have caused.

Same news in other sources

PolygonMATIC #14
01 Jul 2022, 19:34
Hey everyone! As officially communicated by Ankr on Twitter, they are working hard to restore service. Meanwhile, you can continue using our services by editing the RPC endpoint in your wallet configuration to Or an alternative from the below: We apologize for any inconvenience this service disruption may have caused.
Hey everyone. As officially communicated by Ankr on Twitter, they are working hard to restore service.
Hey everyone! As officially communicated by Ankr on Twitter, they are working hard to restore service. Meanwhile, you can continue using our services by editing the RPC endpoint in your wallet configuration to https://rpc.ankr.com/polygon. Or an alternative from the below: https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com https://rpc-mainnet.matic.quiknode.pro https://matic-mainnet.chainstacklabs.com https://matic-mainnet-full-rpc.bwarelabs.com https://matic-mainnet-archive-rpc.bwarelabs.com We apologize for any inconvenience this service disruption may have caused.